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preparation of land in Tahdai Nursery - Monday, 23 July 2012 17:29
Tehdai plantation - Thursday, 29 September 2016 00:00
Visit of Technical committee to WN - Monday, 23 July 2012 17:29
Silvicultural operation - Kassala state - Monday, 23 July 2012 17:29
Germination in Wad Bugul - Monday, 23 July 2012 17:29

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Tehdai plantation
Last Updated on Sep 29 2016

Tehdai plantation

Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project( SSNRMP) is part of the Great Green Wall Initiative ( GGWI) and fall under the World Bank umbrella Program for the Sahel and West Africa countries in support of the GGWI and will be implemented...
Last Updated on Sep 28 2016


Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project( SSNRMP) is part of the Great Green Wall Initiative ( GGWI) and fall under the World Bank umbrella Program for the Sahel and West Africa countries in support of the GGWI and will be implemented...
Operations office Director - WB
Last Updated on Sep 28 2016

Operations office Director - WB

Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project( SSNRMP) is part of the Great Green Wall Initiative ( GGWI) and fall under the World Bank umbrella Program for the Sahel and West Africa countries in support of the GGWI and will be implemented...
Last Updated on Sep 28 2016


Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project( SSNRMP) is part of the Great Green Wall Initiative ( GGWI) and fall under the World Bank umbrella Program for the Sahel and West Africa countries in support of the GGWI and will be implemented...
Minister of the ministry of Environment
Last Updated on Sep 28 2016

Minister of the ministry of Environment

Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project( SSNRMP) is part of the Great Green Wall Initiative ( GGWI) and fall under the World Bank umbrella Program for the Sahel and West Africa countries in support of the GGWI and will be implemented...

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Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project( SSNRMP) is part of the Great Green Wall Initiative ( GGWI) and fall under the World Bank umbrella Program for the Sahel and West Africa countries in support of the GGWI and will be implemented over a 5 year period ( 2014- 2018), with total cost of US$7.73 million.

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