About the project

Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project( SSNRMP) is part of the Great Green Wall Initiative ( GGWI) and fall under the World Bank umbrella Program for the Sahel and West Africa countries in support of the GGWI and will be implemented over a 5 year period ( 2014- 2018), with total cost of US$7.73 million.

The Project approved by GEF on 18th Dec 2013 and agreement signed on 13th March 2014.

The project effectiveness date was 12th May 2014

 The Project Development Objective is to increase the adoption of sustainable land and water management (SLWM) practices in targeted landscapes.

and  aims to achieve this objective through the (i) adoption of improved soil and water management practices; (ii) forested ecosystem rehabilitation and rangeland management; (iii) creation of sustainable alternative livelihood activities related to natural resource management; and (iv) strengthened capacity to implement SLWM and biodiversity conservation. The project has three components:

  • Institutional and policy framework;
  • Community-based sustainable management of rangelands and forests  and biodiversity; and

      (iii)     Project management, monitoring and evaluation.

The project will be implemented on three states: White Nile state, Kassala state, and Gazeira state.

Total number of beneficiaries was 50000 families represent about 7000 person, out of which 35% female.

About us

Sudan Sustainable Natural Resources Management Project( SSNRMP) is part of the Great Green Wall Initiative ( GGWI) and fall under the World Bank umbrella Program for the Sahel and West Africa countries in support of the GGWI and will be implemented over a 5 year period ( 2014- 2018), with total cost of US$7.73 million.

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